Look At Tattoo Artists Bamboo Sticks, Traditional Design From Thailand

The Bamboo Tattoo is also known as the Sak-Yant. It is painful tattooing method popular in  Thailand. It has been favorited by tourists that are brave enough to try out one of the most painful tattoo processes. Tattoo Artists use bamboo sticks with needles at the end to insert ink bellow the skin in order to create tattoos. You are probably asking yourself why to choose bamboo tattoo instead of classical machine tattooing?created Bamboo tattoos Design, how to make Bamboo Tattoo 3D font design
In the Bamboo Tattoo process  the 5 fine thin needles are placed at the end of bamboo sticks not in the circle as it is on conventional tattoo machines but in line and has been attached using fine cotton.
Look At Tattoo Artists Bamboo Sticks, Traditional Design From Thailand
This way bamboo tattoo can produce fine line in tattoo drawing process while ink is tapped into skin. The bamboo tattoos also reduce the skin pain and reduce bleeding during the process. Also, healing process is minimal and least for only 4 to 5 days.
Look At Tattoo Artists Bamboo Sticks, Traditional Design From Thailand
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Look At Tattoo Artists Bamboo Sticks, Traditional Design From Thailand