17 Tips How To Get Through Depression, Let's Know

If you are feeling down and hopeless at times, be aware that you are not alone.  Everyone suffers periods of depression sometime during their lives.  For some, the down times are short-lived, for others, it takes years before there is any relief.

This small manual is a quick reference guide that will help you get through some difficult times.  I wrote this book from my own experience.

A combination of these tips will hopefully bring relief, Taking care of yourself is a life-long process.  The road to success has its obstacles, so don't ever give up.
17 Tips How To Get Through Depression, Let's Know

Helpful 17 Best Tips to Beat the Down Times.

1.  GET HELP - Call or visit a friend, relative, therapist or doctor.  Talking things out will relieve some of the suppressed anger or grief.  Your doctor might perscribe medication.  If so, follow his directions.  The numerous anti-depressants available now-a-days works wonders.

2. GET UP AND DO SOMETHING - Many people don't want to do anything when they are depressed.  They don't have the strength or desire to go out and be active.  This is an important time to take a walk (exercise will benefit you tremendously), or do some writing.

Take a nice warm bath with soothing music in the background.

Treat yourself to your favorite snack or meal.

Go outside or to the park and get some fresh air.  Take a moment and listen to the birds and wind (or traffic if you live in the city).  Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you will get through these times.

3. WRITE - Get a blank notebook or journal and write your thoughts and feelings.  If you don't know what to say, doodle or draw.  Spend at least 25 minutes or longer writing.  Read it later.  Keeping a journal is an interesting way of expressing your feelings.  You don't have to show the journal to anyone.

4. MAKE EXTRA MONEY - If you lie to make extra money, clean out your closets or garage.  Rent a booth at the local flea market and sell your unwanted items.

You will meet people, make money and be doing something.  "One man's junk is another man's treasure".  If you can make things, such as jewelry, stichery, candles or art, selling your work is definitely a spirit lifter.

5. PRAY - For those of you who believe in God, prayer is powerful.  It brings peace and hope.  Be patient and continue to ask for help.  You don't have to go to church. God is everywhere.  If you wish, read positive literature or listen to inspirational music.

Always rememeber that God loves you.  Keep a reminder in your pocket or purse.

6. GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO CRY - It is OK to release your emotions. Express your feelings in a safe way and in a safe place...example, scream into a pillow, punch it or throw it across the room.

7. SEE A THERAPIST - Regular visits to a licensed professional who will support and help sort out your feelings is another tool to relieving depression.  They can give you more tools to help you get through depression as well as provide insight and options to help resolve your past and present issues.

8. IF POSSIBLE, GET A PET - A dog or cat gives unconditional love and he or she needs you just as much.  Studies show that owning a dog or cat reduces stress and...they are great, loyal companions.

9. GO TO THE LIBRARY - Read self-help books.  I recommend the book FEELING GOOD, by David Burns. Research depression and its types.  You will learn a great deal.

10. TALK TO YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR - Some people find this odd, but if you say positive things to yourself such as "You will be alright".  "You are a wonderful person; hang in there". "I like you and I care what happens to you", soon you will feel a difference.

11. NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS - Alcohol and/or drugs might give you some temporary comfort, but that is NOT the answer. It will only hurt you.  Please stay away from drugs and alcohol.

12. MAKE A WISH LIST - Write down all the things you wish to do in life. List the ones that sound reasonable and even those that might be impossible. Make a promise to work on the ones that are attainable.

example: Go back to school, change your career, exercise more, get your financial status up to date, find a new job, work on your relationships, take time out for yourself.

13. TAKE IN INFORMAL CLASS - Your local college or University offers a variety of classes for those who wish to learn something new. Take a class in creative writing, in arts and crafts or learn how to play the guitar. A computer class will enhance your skills at work and at home. A basic automotive class is extremely beneficial too.

14. SWIM, PLAY POOL OR GO TO A CONCERT - Get out and have some fun.

15. RENT A VIDEO - Comedies are my favorites. They get me laughing again. Try it.

16. VOLUNTEER - Help those who are less fortunate. There are many centers that need your support the homeless, an abused children center, the handicapped and the elderly. Spend a few hours a week volunteering your assistance.

17. DO SOMETHING YOU'VE NEVER DONE BEFORE - Is there something in your life you have never done but always wanted to?  Then, go for it. I started selling my creative writing and arts and crafts at the flea market. This boosted my self-esteem and brought me a little extra cash.  I also went camping with my daughter for the first time at age 40.  I loved it! How To Get Through Depression, Let's Know This Tips pinoyhit.com how to get through depression without medication Huffington Post

17 Tips How To Get Through Depression, Let's Know